Great portfolios take time to build. This is a basic guide on how to diversify your portfolio to match with many different clients' needs.
Try to add 5 different photos in your portfolio for each topic. Include headshots and full body photos (Max 2 photos of the same outfit).
Cost: You can add your own photos for FREE on the online self-update feature. Or you can request an optional customised quote together
with your consultant to match your budget and shoot ideas. Costs range from student friendly budgets to high end professional quality.
Team: Depending on the concept shoots may include a Photographer, Photo Editor, Videographer, Video Editor, Hair Stylist, Make Up Artist,
Wardrobe Stylist, Prop Master, Set PAs and Coordinator to plan your shoot.
(Mood board sample photos may not be owned by CCA. Samples are used for educational purposes. Depending on the shoot concept the recommended team’s work history will be shared.)